I have been trying to cook to keep busy, but the derth of ingredients makes it a little tough. Last night was pea soup that contained a bag of dehydrated black-eyed-peas and some of our Christmas ham leftovers form the freezer.
That culinary experiment led to the discovery that Papa Johns across the street was open, but only accepting carry out orders. That means pizza is ready for us in 20 minutes. No muss, no fuss. That's the good news.
The bad news is that we're starting to run out of things like milk and toilet paper. We're living the cliche.
I'm also running out of fun things to do with Hamslice. Three days of kids movies is my absolute limit, so we're experimenting with splashy time in the tub and thinking about where there may be a street or sidewalk open to go take a stroll.
The house and I are also starting to turn on each other. I walk into room after room thinking, "My God this place is filthy." So this morning I cleaned Hamslice's room, including sorting all of the clothes in the drawer.
With the 10 inches of snow we're supposed to get tomorrow, this may be an endurance run. Stay tuned.
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